Upcoming show:

Brooklyn Artists Gym presents
Rockers & Posers
BAG Gallery
May 22 - June 5
Opening Reception: May 31, 6:00-9:00pm
The Rockers & Posers show features contemporary artists focusing their talent on portraits. Media represented in this group show include video, photography, illustration, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking and alternative media.
Brooklyn Artists Gym
168 7th Street, 3rd floor
(between 2nd and 3rd Avenue)
F to 4th Avenue, or the R to the 9th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
And just for those keeping track, here is a list of things I currently want but cannot have: sewing machine, mac mighty mouse, dark crystal dvd, pastries, my momma, summer haircut I love, kitchenaid mixer, more books, someone to mount my photos for me, time to bike, outdoor sleeping space, and antique music box.
Check back later.